audio and video singles - click 2 play - bonus free MP3 downloads
Songs from Female Australian Hip Hop Artists
plus bonus video singles & MP3 downloads
released in 2013 featuring:
Blaq Carrie, Lomas, Stretchy, She Rex, Sky'high, Paz Riley,
Iggy Azalea, Nastaij, Layla, Coda Conduct, Simmy,
Lana Lyric, Kimence, Porsah Laine, MC Shook,
Lyrest, Dawn Laird, Chelsea Jane, Empress MC
plus bonus video singles & MP3 downloads
released in 2013 featuring:
Blaq Carrie, Lomas, Stretchy, She Rex, Sky'high, Paz Riley,
Iggy Azalea, Nastaij, Layla, Coda Conduct, Simmy,
Lana Lyric, Kimence, Porsah Laine, MC Shook,
Lyrest, Dawn Laird, Chelsea Jane, Empress MC
a diverse range of current hip hop coming out of Australia in 2013
Layla - Beyond the Ends
Simmy - I'm Back
Dawn Laird - Mel Blanc
Blaq Carrie - Let There Be Hope
Porsah Laine - Go Be Yourself (ft: Solex)
Lana Lyric - Got Me
Lomas - Digital Zulu
Lyrest - All day I dream about hip hop
Sky'high - Grey and Blue
Paz Riley - Takeover
Kimence - We Major (ft: Ralph A.L.)
Stretchy - Walk Alone
Empress MC - Bullshit
Iggy Azalea - Bounce
Nastaij - Where I want to Be
Stretchy with Codix (video single)
Lomas - Digital Zulu (video single)
Coda Conduct - Watch this Space (video single)
Lana Lyric - Blame You (video single)
Lyrest - All day I dream about Hip Hop (anime)
MC Shook - Writing And Rhyming (audio single)
Chelsea Jane - Queen of the Hill (video single)
JPoint and Sunjay - Decent
(bonus from the man that sings with a lot of Aussie Girls including Sunjay)
Blaq Carrie - Layla - Sky'high - She Rex - Lomas
Lyrest - All day I dream about Hip Hop (anime)
MC Shook - Writing And Rhyming (audio single)
Chelsea Jane - Queen of the Hill (video single)
JPoint and Sunjay - Decent
(bonus from the man that sings with a lot of Aussie Girls including Sunjay)
Blaq Carrie - Layla - Sky'high - She Rex - Lomas
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