9 track album - free download
ft: Def Wish Cast, Fraksha, Flawlezz, Rinse, DFTC, Undertow, Tornts
`(Dazed) A bunch of my favourite beats I've produced in the past few years. If you dig the track, please support the artist and purchase their CD!'
released 06 August 2013 - All tracks produced by Dazed for Overstand
ft: Def Wish Cast, Fraksha, Flawlezz, Rinse, DFTC, Undertow, Tornts
`(Dazed) A bunch of my favourite beats I've produced in the past few years. If you dig the track, please support the artist and purchase their CD!'
released 06 August 2013 - All tracks produced by Dazed for Overstand